Billie Eilish is taking over the world of pop, but what does that mean for businesses and copywriting?
Share only what you really want to say
If you can solve so many problems in a single outfit. You can solve so many problems within a single blog post. The only question is, are you brave enough?
Eilish refrains from wearing skin-tight or revealing clothing like other women are famed for in the music industry in order to keep attention on her music and not on her body. She is also rebellious in the style department- That was initially shaped by Chanel when she was signed on by Apple music before releasing the hit single 'Ocean Eyes.'
Blog Posts can be compared to Billie Eilish clothing. It's true, that, we shouldn't be forced to share so much of our brands just to compete with everybody else. Why is it so necessary to share how-to's, guides and lists- When we can simply go above it all and against the current? Why do we have to share so much of the same content as everybody else?
Much alike the late Karl Lagerfeld, by avoiding the go-to formula's, you can choose what you wish to share with people and set your own client-sharing boundaries. In doing so? It blots out the comparisons. If you write it well enough- You don't have to worry about people looking for a 'how-to's' instead, they will still listen to what you have to say and appreciate the thought-leadership. People love to read something that's fresh and coming directly from your authentic brand mission- These kinds of posts, don't even have to be lengthy- They could be very influential at just 300 words.
Unusual focus points
Eilish has grown-up amongst hipsters who love to throw around comparisons that are out of the ordinary. But she also isn't afraid of maybe grossing people out- Talking about a 'Bellyache' and almost throwing up in the videoclip and chorus of the titled song.
Instead of singing about being hurt about a break-up, the song jumps straight in to having murdered her ex boyfriend and putting him in the gutter.
Whilst these might not be the makings of business copywriting topics- They do broaden peoples minds enough to offer more diversified topics- Particularly for the next generation.
But here's the most important thing- If you want to hold peoples attention in today's internet world- You have to go a bit little bit hipster. Hipster is really mainstream now- It's basically accepted as a newfound 'modern.' There are different forms- Like gentrified/ glamorised hipster, suburban hipster, indie hipster and then the younger generation who are still defining their version of it. People are highly desensitized and the word 'hipster' now hardly exists as a descriptive term for new idea's and pursuits.
Whether you're an accounting firm or a local cafe- Connecting with the audience is going to need a dose of hipster- However small or big. There's going to be an influence that's more out of the ordinary than being just plain ordinary.